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Upcoming Tournaments
    Time for competitive play

    Tournaments for every type of player, casual or hardcore

    • Free sign up
    • Engaging community
    • Prizes
    About WBT

    Let the banter begin!

    WBT is an automated Warzone tournament platform to allow like-minded gamers to compete in eSports tournaments against players of a similar skill level.

    Players and squads are split into divisions based on their KD level (overall or last 100 games) making it as transparent and even as possible.

    You play as you normally would during the allotted tournament time frame and we automatically gather the data from your games during that period to determine your score.

    Each division will then have a winner at the end of the tournament based on their overall score.

    Let the banter begin!

    Play again

    Learn from the loss, failure is a proper teacher

    Didn't get a result on your last visit to the Warzone? Find your next tournament and jump back into the action. See you in the AO!